Expected results include both short-term and medium/long-term results:
- Supporting access to better health and information in those hard-to-reach and remote areas (target areas) where services are poorly developed, as well as informing the disadvantaged groups with disabilities (e.g. low educational attainment) level, etc.) for the health services and opportunities provided in the area; Identify main causes of health inequalities (on specific diseases) and alleviate the health low level-indicators in disadvantaged communities through pilot medical examinations, training and mobilization of main stakeholders, social and health agents and mediators, health services providers, decision-makers etc.
- Promote health promotion and early prevention programmes for people from groups with increased vulnerability for social significant diseases and mental disorders.
- Bring innovations to the care systems – through policy recommendations and actions plan - to improve patients' health literacy and empowerment, to promote adherence to prevention, treatment and proper follow-up care.
- Positive impact on prevention of diseases in disadvantages communities, which will result in decrease of sickness incidents to be treated by secondary health services.
- Capacity building of medical personnel through research, training, transferring know-how between Countries and medical staff at isolated and deprived areas on dealing with specific diseases as well as with patients from various vulnerable groups.
- Enhancement of Pubic Authorities and other Stakeholders capacity on developing -and/or improving the existing- policies and actions plans in compliance with the EU relevant strategies/programmes for “equality in health” and with the World Health Organization’s Action Plans for the examined diseases (Mental, Cadriоlogy, Diabetes, etc)