Project “Reducing access inequalities in primary healthcare for socially significant diseases at CB Area’s deprived communities” with Acronym “EQUAL2HEALTH”, ref. No.2123, is implemented under 2nd Call of Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020. The project is related to the enhancement of Cross-Border Cooperation between Greece and Bulgaria with a main objective to improve access to primary healthcare for the population located in remote or inaccessible regions in the Cross-Border Area.
This objective covers the possibility of reducing inequalities in access to healthcare services in the border region by protecting citizens from socially significant diseases, promoting health prevention, promoting a healthy living environment, and innovating in healthcare. The project will focus on the following disease categories:
A) Major non-communicable diseases (NCD), mainly cardiovasculardiseases (including cholesterol), chronic respiratory diseases and ophthalmological diseases, as well as bloodtests for bloodsugar and cholesterol levels (priority for the Bulgarian side).
B) Psychiatric conditions (priority for the Greek side)
An additional effect of the implementation of the project activities is the raising of the awareness of the citizens and various stakeholders regarding socially significant diseases and the possibilities for their prevention.
The total budget of the projectis: 1 196 185,00 EUR