On the 27.09.2019 the the Third technical meeting of the partners was held for Project „Reducing access inequalities in primary healthcare for socially significant diseases at CB Area’s deprived communities” with Acronym “EQUAL2HEALTH”, ref. No.2123, is implemented under 2nd Call of Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020“. The meeting was hosted by the Multispecialty Hospital for Active Treatment Devin, Devin, Republic of Bulgaria. The meeting discussed the progress of the project activities and the coordination of the partners in connection with the medical preventive examinations. Medical specialists in socially significant diseases discussed in detail the various practices and regulations to which hospitals are subject. Protocols for preventive examinations were prepared, as well as guidelines for their implementation. As a partner in the project and a controlling body of the Regional Health Insurance Fund Smolyan, they presented their progress on the project and provided guidelines for the implementation of preventive examinations of the Bulgarian partners. In the final minutes of the meeting by Partner 2 – The Association of Cardiologists in Northern Greece invited all partners to take part in the workshop organized by them in early December 2019.
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